Bing Ads ships Universal Event Tracking Tag Helper extension for Chrome

Kellogg Brengel

Universal Event Tracking is an important component of advertising on the web. It helps firms measure how successful their advertisements are at generating a sale and how much of a return on investment advertisers are getting for their expenditures on ads.

But UETs require some coordination behind the scenes to make sure they are working correctly, which can take some time-consuming testing. The team at Bing Ads hopes to make advertisers’ lives a little easier with a new Chrome browser extension called the UET Tag Helper. This new extension helps validate whther or not your UET for Bing Ads is working correctly in real time and also helps you troubleshoot what’s wrong if your tags aren’t working correctly.

To use the new extension, first download it from the Chrome web store. Once installed go to your webpage, turn on the UET Tag Helper extension, and then reload the page. The extension will either reassure you everything is working the way it should or it will help troubleshoot each specific code to correct your Bing Ads UETs.

The Bing Ads team also setup a new FAQ page to help you get UET Tag Helper up and running, and provide general advice regarding how to use UET tags correctly. As Bing continues to inch its way up in marketplace share, it is good to see the Bing Ads team investing in tools to help advertisers be more successful.