Microsoft issues an update to Power BI focusing on stability

Joseph Finney

Microsoft issues an update to Power BI focusing on stability

Big data has been a buzz word for a few years now, but the real power behind big data is analytics. Analytics is filtering, sifting, and calculating on data to find actionable patterns. This half of big data is not as straightforward as simply collecting all the data possible. For analytics to be feasible users need good tools which can calculate through their data and determine how to proceed. Microsoft offers a range of products to help companies and individuals unlock the power in their data, and one of those tools, Power BI, is getting a nice update.

Power BI is the name for a range of data analytics tools in Excel. When working with large datasets it can be devastating when Excel freezes, hangs, or crashes. This update to Power BI eliminates over 120 bugs which lead to those hair-pull-out moments. The update will come to Power BI users automatically if personal setting allow it to, otherwise users can check for the update in Excel.