Microsoft updates Socl with a new look and new feature set as part of ‘Spring 2013 Collection’



Back in December of 2011, Microsoft revealed its Socl social-search project, which aimed to be a hybrid between social networking and search. A year later, Microsoft opened up the site and allowed anyone and everyone to sign up and use the social project. Now, Microsoft will be updating the site with a new feature set as part of ‘Spring 2013 Collection.’

So what are the new features?

Simplified site navigation, including:

  • create a post button
  • discover (full site search and discovery)
  • pinned menu for quick access to notifications, messages, setting, parties and about
  • centered Socl logo to refresh the page
  • single click access to your profile
  • feed pivots between following and everyone

Collections and Interests merged into one concept:

  • collections curated by everyone (formerly Interests)
  • collections curated by individuals, including private collections
  • collection descriptions
  • tags now done at the collection level rather than the post level and applied only by collection followers

Better post creation, featuring:

  • drag and drop
  • resize
  • shuffle
  • share to other social networks

Other features include personal opportunity cards to help build your following feed, private messages, inline editing of profile information, enhanced discovery/search and presentation of related content, and enhanced first-time user experience. Microsoft has created these new features based on feedback from the community. Head over to to try it out!