Outlook Web App to gain Calendar Search feature in coming months


Outlook Web App to gain Calendar Search feature in coming months

Where would we be without our calendars? Lost, confused and disorganized, that’s where! But even with a calendar in place, it can be hard to keep track of what’s going on. You’ve probably got all manner of appointments, meetings and reminders set up for the coming weeks and months, and if you’re using Outlook Web App, you’re soon to gain a handy search feature that will enable you to quickly check just when that trip to the dentist is meant to take place.

The Calendar Search can be used to hunt out entries matching certain criteria in both your own calendar and group calendars — and there’s an overlay option to allow for easy comparison of two calendars.

Searching works very much as you would expect, with queries being performed on the body of entries, the name of the organizer, the name of people attending, the title and location — so no matter how you want to search, you should be able to find anything in your schedule that matched your specified criteria.

The search feature will be available for desktop, tablet and smartphone platforms, with the only difference being the way in which results are displayed.

The rollout to Office 365 users is fairly vague at the moment, so let us know when you spot the feature appearing for you.