Want to be a part of the upcoming WinBeta.org re-design?



For the past few weeks, we have been working hard on the next WinBeta.org design. Our goal is to create a cleaner experience that places content first. But, for the first time, we are going to have you help us out with the design!

As part of our quest to take over the world provide you with the latest Microsoft news, as well as Windows Beta news, the time has come for us to ditched the current look and feel of our site. We are looking to enhance the site a little more by reducing its size, enhancing the quality of our content, have it much more responsive, and feature a modern look/feel.

Once we are ready for “Beta testing” of our new site, we will contact you via email and utilize your feedback. We thrive upon your readership and we want to make this site better than ever. Since we have readers across the globe who are loyal to us on a daily basis, who better to help design a site you read on a daily basis? Here’s how you can help: Hit the contact us link at the navigation area to express your interest. Or, add a comment below to offer a quick suggestion or idea for the design. It’s that easy.

I am proud to say that our readership has grown immensely over the past two years. Our writers and staff earn very little via advertisement and spend their free time contributing to the site, just for you. While we may not be as big as our friends over at Neowin, we hope to bring you the latest and greatest in Microsoft news, especially focused on Windows Beta news.

“Why redesign the site, it looks fine the way it is?” one might ask. Well, simply put, we want to make the site look and work better than before, with a modern look and feel, to match our core news topic of Windows. So help us, help you! And from all of us at WinBeta, thank you for being a loyal reader 🙂

Image pictured above is a design concept, not the final product