Windows phone market share drops to 1.7 percent

Michael Cottuli

We’ve known for some time that the sales of Windows phones are just not up to par with the rest of the companies that have made their business off of handsets. With new phones on the way, and a new marketing direction for Microsoft focusing on consumer electronics, things might get better – but for now, Microsoft is stuck looking at some pretty dire numbers when it comes down to its market share of mobile phones. As some people aren’t totally satisfied with the launch of Windows 10 mobile, it’s hard to say what the future holds.
According to Gartner, Microsoft’s market share among mobile phones has dropped considerably. The information technology company compiled a list of all of the units sold during the third quarter of 2015, comparing them to the third quarter of last year. Unfortunately, Windows phones did poorly, its market share dropping from an already disappointing 3% to a significantly worse 1.7%.
The Lumia 950 and the Lumia 950XL are on the way, but only time will tell if they’re actually going to significantly improve the market share that Microsoft holds among the mobile phone market. Hopefully Windows 10 becomes a more viable option for those who are looking to try out a new brand of mobile phone. Since Microsoft is throwing more weight behind its mobile initiative with handsets like the Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL, they’re going to need more momentum going into 2016.