You can save images as favorites with new beta feature from Bing

Sean Michael

Bing images search for WinBeta

Marking photos as favorites appeared as a beta feature on Bing sometime over the last two weeks. The relatively new feature allows you  to favorite photos and have them easily retrieved from your collection. Bing is already recognized by many as having a quality image search and this latest feature adds more to that experience.

To select a photo and add it to your favorites you can either hold your cursor over a photo and click the heart or expand the photo by clicking it and find the favorite heart in the lower right corner of the screen. The photos are saved in the images section which has a number appear next to it corresponding with how many favorited photos you have.

Bing favorite images

Your favorites are sorted by what was searched for so if, for example, you favorited two images from searching WinBeta, they are grouped with each other and kept separate from your other favorites. This is a handy feature if you are collecting photos and don’t want them all lumped together.

Marking images as favorites joins other Bing images features such as image match, which allows you to find any webpage containing a specific image, and flagging images as adult content. The feature is currently listed as being under Beta but it is a solid addition to Bing images.